At the recent annual meeting of the York and District Branch of the Royal Naval Association I handed over the secretarial helm after 35 years in office as the branch secretary. Throughout that time I have been very grateful to you for the support you have given to us. We have a saying Once Navy - Always Navy and this is exemplified at our branch meetings held on the evening of the third Tuesday monthly in the HMS Cornus Lounge of the Clarence Club, York.

Our branch celebrates its 21st anniversary soon. It has grown from a handful of founder members to more than 100.

Our proud boast is that we are probably the most active ex-service association in the city.

Any ex-naval men or women who want more information about the branch should contact the new secretary: Shipmate Mike Farrington, 74 Cranbrook Road, York, YO2 5JH, tel: 01904 798306.

G T Miskelly,

The Limes,


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