Home bird Paul Ingle has made a defiant 'I'm going nowhere' pledge as he steps up his preparations for his all-Yorkshire world title fight with Prince Naseem Hamed.

Talking points: Paul Ingle, right, and trainer Steve Pollard in discussion at their Hull base. Picture; Nigel Holland

With little over three weeks before his Manchester title tilt with Hamed on April 10, the Scarborough ace is proving home is where the heart is having turned down manager Frank Maloney's plea that he sets up a training camp in Devon.

Ingle has already spent two weeks high in the remote mountains of Pennsylvania, America, in readiness for the Tyke night fight night.

He reluctantly agreed to fly to the States to make use of the plush training camp being used by Lennox Lewis as he prepared for his controversial heavyweight showdown fight with Evander Holyfield.

Now back home, the featherweight flyer, 26, has been travelling from his home in Scarborough every day for tough daily workouts in Hull alongside trainer Steve Pollard.

But it was widely believed he would soon head to a Marine camp in Devon - at Maloney's request - so avoiding the hassles of travelling to Hull every day and be free of any distractions.

"We are not going to Devon now," revealed Pollard, who stressed there had been no bust-up with Maloney. "I'm the trainer and it has been a collective decision between myself and Paul. Paul doesn't like going away, simple as that.

"Personally, I think going away would have messed him up mentally. Fighters have got to be right mentally as much as physically and I don't think he would have been tuned in.

"If he'd been training in Devon and anything had gone wrong at home he would have been a six-hour journey away.

"All boxers are individuals, some excel in training camps but Paul doesn't.

"He has got be happy to get the best work out of him and we are getting the best work out of him while he is in Hull.

"He is probably training better now than he did in America."

Ingle said: "At the end of the day you have got be happy and training in Hull is ideal for me."

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