There has been no shortage of the bulldog spirit in the flood-hit areas of North and East Yorkshire.

And if we wanted one man to personify that spirit, it would have to be George Harper.

The Norton home Mr Harper shares with his wife was badly damaged when the Derwent burst its banks.

The water ruined their cooker, television, piano-organ and clothes. And they are not insured.

It would be enough to send most of us into the depths of despair. Not Mr Harper.

"We worry not," he said.

This admirable stoicism is built on long experience.

Over the last 80 years, Mr Harper has been through two other floods and a war. Another disaster will not alter his outlook.

With this sort of determined optimism, the flooded region will be back on its feet in no time.

see NEWS 'Floods worsened 'by conserving for frogs''

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