I am a York motorist and I pay for the privilege to use my car on city roads and throughout the country.

The Evening Press is constantly updating the York residents on the improvements being made for the cyclists in the city. Fine, they may not pay anything towards the costs of road improvements, but I strongly welcome the introduction of cycle lanes and paths.

How is it then that most mornings I see cyclists causing hold-ups and making dangerous manoeuvres on the roads in front of cars when a cycle path is located right next to the highway?

The cycle path network around the city is excellent and I am sure it has reduced accidents. So how can the cycling community call for further improvements and for more money to fund them if they cannot be responsible enough to use the facilities already available?

The motorist continually receives bad press and the finger is constantly pointed when accidents happen - but how many cyclists actually respect car drivers?

P A Patterson

Leadley Croft,



...you reported that 50,000 cyclists might turn up later in the year for a rally on Knavesmire (Evening Press, March 12). Allowing each of them a not-overly generous two square yards each they'll need more than 50 square miles even if they all stand up straight. As Knavesmire can't cover more than one square mile at the most, I would be interested to learn what plans are in hand to deal with them. Apart from stacking them 50 high, that is.

Harry Atherton,

Tadcaster Road,



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