A month ago Rod Hills, the Labour leader of City of York Council, insisted "we give a very high priority to preventing fraud and corruption".

Now we see that the Labour Party in the City plan to take no action on the level of housing benefit fraud because it is too costly.

Labour's tough talk about a crackdown on benefit fraud has simply not been matched by its actions.

It is becoming clear that the Government's efforts on this important issue are being wound down and expenditure on catching benefit fraudsters is being reduced.

Important local elections are approaching and many Labour-run local councils like York simply do not want to have to spend money on fraud prevention. The council should make fighting housing benefit fraud a priority, both in prosecuting bogus claimants and in deterring fraudsters who will see the City of York as a soft touch.

Ken Creek,

Agent, City of York Conservative Party,

Ash Street,


...what's happened to Labour? Two years ago my mother had hip replacements and was laid up for several weeks. My brother who lives at home took time off his lowly-paid work to care for her. Social Security gave payment to cover his loss of earnings.

A month ago my mother was laid up again after another hip operation, but this time no payment. She's on income support and neither her, nor my brother have any savings. The small car he needs for work might have to be sold.

It's disgusting, he's been in work all his life and he and my mother are Labour supporters. What's the country coming to when this happens? Come back Tories.

A Cooper,

Bramble Dene,



...Mr Speight was very upset regarding Labour's performance with our taxes (Letters, March 15). Indeed he is surprised that they have not kept their word.

As somebody with no allegiance to any party, I would have been amazed if any politician kept their promises

Paul A Kennedy,

Doe Park,


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