I would like to thank all colleagues, parents and friends of Lowfield School who have contacted me to express their concern and inquire about my well being following the article published in the Evening Press, (Head Attacked by Pupil, March 12),

As you are aware, this incident took place some weeks ago and I was able to continue to carry out my duties as headteacher at Lowfield School. It should be emphasised that it was the boy's first day at Lowfield School and his actions should not detract from the positive achievement of our pupils, many of whom have been well reported in your paper recently.

Local education issues have a high profile at this time. I hope the main message taken from Friday's paper is that York's young people and their schools have a lot to offer. It is evident that under the banner of Comic Relief York pupils, including those at Lowfield, raised substantial sums of money for those less fortunate than themselves throughout Red Nose Day. That really is good news.

J L Thompson,


Lowfield School,


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