Business leaders in York have thrown their weight behind the controversial revised plans for Coppergate II, saying it is an 'expression of confidence in the city'.

But while the scheme has won the business community's seal of approval, York Conservatives have dubbed it a 'gross over-development' and have urged developers to go back to the drawing board.

The revamped scheme is expected to be tabled at a City of York Council planning meeting on December 10 after plans were revised in response to objections following public consultation.

Opponents, including York Civic Trust, still claim the scheme is far too close to Clifford's Tower and other historic buildings in the vicinity, and also object to the felling of trees throughout the area.

But Roland Harris, chief executive of York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, which has 630 members, said today: "It is an expression of confidence in the city. We welcome investment of this nature in York."

He added: "There were various issues regarding the historic fabric of the city, and it is only right and proper due care and attention is given to any development in an historic city. But once the Chamber knew Coppergate was a possibility we supported it from the onset because we want to see the city flourish."

The latest to join critics of the revised scheme is Simon Mallett, deputy chairman of the City of York Conservatives, who has called on the City of York

Council and developers Land Securities to think again about the development.

He said: "The current proposals have failed to meet earlier concerns. Land Securities should go back to the drawing board and think again. The proposed development is too large and too close to Clifford's Tower and is a gross over-development of one of the most important historical sites in York."

Developer Land Securities, responsible for Coppergate Centre since 1991, is also upgrading the pedestrianisation of Newbury, Berks.

A spokesman said: "The second phase covering 240,000 sq ft will virtually double the size of Coppergate.

"Land Securities is delighted the business community sees the value of Coppergate, which will enhance the economic life of York."

Phase II will include a 100,000 sq ft Debenhams, a Fenwicks' extension, along with two further large stores and 18 shop units.

The planning committee is the first hurdle, however.

If passed, it will be referred to the Government for clearance and if that is forthcoming Land Securities hopes development will begin in time for the entire project to open by autumn 2001.

It will begin with the building of a new car park in Piccadilly to ensure continuity of spaces once the existing car park at Clifford's Tower is closed.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.