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Uri Geller

Join Uri Geller, the world's most celebrated paranormalist, as he counts down to the Year 2000 - proving that the world is getting weirder every day.

Day 400 - Friday, November 27:

"In Star Trek," complains chemistry Professor Steven Benner of the University of Florida, "the aliens almost always resemble human actors."

In a bid to work out what extra-terrestrials really look like, Benner is heading an Astrobiology Institute funded by NASA.

He bases his calculations on a curious quirk of all DNA - negative charges are spaced evenly throughout all genes, to enable life to reproduce itself.Benner is gambling that this is literally a universal trait.

Day 399 - Saturday November 28:

If you fear being abducted by aliens, help is on the way. Author Ann Druffel has interviewed more than 250 abductees and published a fight-back handbook, How To Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction (Piatkus, £8.99).

Top tips: Struggle mentally even if you feel paralysed, and hurl bolts of anger at the aliens.

Swearing also helps - if your language is foul and heartfelt enough, it can act as a kind of exorcism.

Day 398 - Sunday November 29:

Alternative therapy is now more popular in the US than conventional medicine, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School. David Eisenberg says 46 per cent of Americans have tried New Age remedies, with Chinese herbal medicine and the ancient Eastern practice of moxibustion scoring highly.

Day 397 - Monday November 30:

The Millennium could bring a new dawn in the Promised Land, as philanthropists launch a £300 million programme to send every Jew aged 15-26 in the world to Israel for ten days.

The project, Birthright Israel, was created by opposition Labour politician Yossi Beilin.

"This will at least keep people thinking about their roots," he said.

Day 396 - Tuesday December 1:

The Pope possesses a miraculous gift of healing, according to Vatican rumours. Strong evidence exists in the form of Paolo Feliciano, 24, of Naples.

At the age of five, close to death from leukaemia, Paolo was touched by Pope John-Paul II, who told the child's mother, "He is cured." Within weeks the cancer had vanished.

Day 395 - Wednesday December 2:

Murderer Joshua Rudiger, who slashed the throats of tramps in San Francisco, told police he needed to drink their blood to live - and claimed to be a 2,000 year old vampire.

At least one of his victims died. Rudiger, 21, signed his crimes by daubing the Chinese word of death on the pavements in blood.

Day 394 - Thursday, December 3:

Scientists in Texas are working to clone Jesus from the Turin Shroud.

Dr Leoncio Garza-Valdes, a former professor of micro-biology, states in his book, The DNA Of God? (Hodder & Stoughton, £9.99) that red areas on the cloth have been tested, and match gene patterns for Jewish males.

Fragments of wood were also found, which the author believes are part of the Cross.

Sceptical claims that the shroud is a medieval forgery are explained, he says, by a 'bioplastic' fungus which coats the cloth.

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