They're back!

Artistic director Damian Cruden (hands raised, centre) prepares for pantomime pandemonium as the company arrives at York Theatre Royal to start rehearsals for Beauty And The Beast.

The P team, the pantomime hit squad of Berwick Kaler, Martin Barrass, David Leonard, Suzy Cooper, Juliet Howland and Blaise Doran have reunited at York Theatre Royal for another winter of pantomime mayhem.

Rehearsals for Beauty And The Beast began at the Walmgate rehearsal studios under a new directing partnership of dame Berwick and artistic director Damian Cruden.

Kaler will be playing Dilly Dumdum, Barrass, Dickie Dumdum, Leonard, the villainous Wolfgang, and Cooper will play Beauty in a show written by Berwick with original music by James Pearson, choreography by Sue Scott Davison and set and costume designs by Nigel Hook.

Beauty And The Beast will be seeking to surpass last year's attendance figure of 49,000, and the early indications are encouraging. "Bookings have been going mad. There are only gallery seats and few upper circle seats here and there still available until the first week in January," said marketing manager Pippa McPherson. "So you really need to book immediately if you want to see the pantomime before Christmas."

Beauty And The Beast runs from December 15 to January 30, and bookings can be made on York 623568.

Click here for Berwick Kaler's Millennium Dame column.

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