I must defend what I and hundreds of other people find a very pleasant shopping experience, the Naburn Designer Village.

It is a well designed and much needed indoor shopping centre, creating hundreds of jobs for the people of York and outlying villages.

You only have to look at the adverts your paper carries for shopping trips all over England and the Continent. They are fully booked week after week. That proves how York shoppers vote with their feet out of the city. They travel away from a very boring shopping experience and away from coach loads of tourist and school children, buskers and beggars.

But do keep your eyes on Naburn and watch the shoppers outnumber the protesters.

Anne Delson,

Applecroft Road,

Stockton Lane,


...AS some of your readers have pointed out, the lighting at the new McArthur-Glen shopping centre is so powerful that it can be seen from almost anywhere on the south side of the city.

Councillor Smallwood said in your paper last Thursday that the developers had been "environmentally sympathetic to the needs of the locality".

Perhaps he could explaining to the 30,000 or so residents affected by this nuisance - exactly what, Lord Mayor, do you mean?

It might be an easier job to tell the relevant council officers to implement sensible controls over development.

Nicholas Witt,

Front Street,



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