Two "Little Angels" will help switch on York's best-ever Christmas lights display tomorrow night.

Hollie Condren and Sarah D'Elia

They are three-year-old Hollie Condren, who is still struggling to come to terms with the death from cancer of her sister, Chloe, earlier this year, and Sarah D'Elia, 15, who selflessly gives up her time to help her autistic sister Gemma.

The pair were nominated by proud relatives in a competition run by York Post Office to find a little angel to help the Lord Mayor of York, Councillor Derek Smallwood, perform the switch-on ceremony in Parliament Street at 7.30pm. The post office was looking for selfless children who went out of their way to care for others.

Hollie's gran, Margaret Holder, who looked after the youngster during Chloe's illness, said in nominating Hollie, who lives off Leeman Road, that she had had to grow up very quickly and adjust to life without her beloved sister.

"Hollie is having trouble adjusting to her new way of life but she is a little fighter and I would like to think she will once again be the happy little girl we all know and love.

"It would be nice if some special day could come to this little girl - sometimes a little devil but always my little angel."

Sarah's aunt Julie White, said the teenager, from Rose Street, off Haxby Road, gave up all her free time for Gemma, 11, without any thought for herself.

"Gemma is very demanding but Sarah never lets her down. She does it all with a smile and a great caring attitude."

see NEWS 'City sees the lights at last'

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