The city-wide fame of newspaper seller Les Richardson has been spread nationwide after he took a starring role on satellite TV.

Press street seller Les Richardson is interviewed for Sky TV

The man with the distinctive cry of "Press!" has been seen on his St Helen's Square patch as long as anybody cares to remember.

But this month he announced his position as one of York's best-loved characters was set to end as he hung up his billboards and retired at the age of 82.

It brings to an end an era spanning nearly 70 years since he first started to sell the Evening Press.

Last night, Les featured on Sky News, speaking about his life and how he has seen times change and his distinctive call rang out for all the world to hear.

A Sky News spokesman said: "There is a lot less dedication to the job of newspaper selling these days compared to how it used to be, but there is still one person working as they used to do, and he is Les."

Les was filmed making his familiar cry, which was used to punctuate his own story over 68 years of loyal service.

From his usual spot he was reported to have seen the outbreak of the Second World War and the Queen's Coronation.

Les may be leaving the Press, but he said he would still consider a part-time job with fewer hours.

see COMMENT 'Les goes global'

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