What a warm-hearted act by Brigitte Bardot (November 20), coming over from France to support Woofie, the dog facing death for barking at a postie in Scotland. And she, a 'sex kitten', born under the sign of Libra, on the Day of the Heartbreakers.

While I have every sympathy for post persons, who are too often attacked by ferocious canines, I believe there is a more often met hazard for them: the double-flapped letter box with over-tight springs. These nasty, vice-like, traps are a constant threat to the fingers of unwary mail and newspaper deliverers. If you don't believe me, try delivering newsletters, or suchlike.

Of course, not all dogs see postmen as fair game; my dear old spaniel will lick anyone, four times his size, for just one letter, even if it is from Reader's Digest.

Bryan Marlowe,

Otterwood Lane,


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