So the truth is out! Councillor Rod Hills now tells us that "the Government has made a commitment to health and education and the rest of us in the public sector have to carry some of the strain".

Simon Wiles, director of finance at the council, adds that "Gordon Brown's long term plan to take two per cent a year out of local government means we are £2 million down every year" (Evening Press, November 18).

So when council tax bills increase, we all know it is due to government policy. Yet not a word of condemnation from Rod Hills! It looks like he's been silenced along with all other Labour MPs and councillors with the threat of de-selection if they voice any criticisms of this Government. Another triumph for the control freaks - let us hope in Rod Hills' case it is total silence.

R A Starks,

The Green,


...You report (Evening Press, November 7) about the clash between the city council and employees, over proposed changes in pay and conditions.

One proposal apparently concerns cutting car allowance for social workers, and Council Leader Rod Hills, is reported as saying: "They are getting way out of line with what people get in the private sector. Padding out people's pay packets with excessive car allowances is not acceptable any more."

Councillor Hills oversteps the mark with this degrading comment, which smacks of double standards and hypocrisy, as he conveniently ignores the fact the he padded out his own pay packet in the last financial year with £19,000 in allowances.

It will be interesting to see whether councillors' allowance claims are published prior to next year's municipal elections, when perhaps the electorate will say to Coun Hills that his excessive level of allowance claims is not acceptable any more.

S Taylor,

Beckfield Lane,


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