Youngsters from the Poppleton Tornados Mini Basketball Club are aiming to whip up a whirlwind of enthusiasm for their sport.

Players from Poppleton Tornados Mini Basketball Club

The club are hoping that their success since forming three years ago could even encourage rival teams to develop in the York area so that they would not have to travel long distances throughout the county to find all their opposition for matches.

Poppleton Tornados started out with a group of nine-year-old boys and girls from Poppleton School, and has grown each year by taking on a new year from the school so that it mow caters for 9-11-year-olds.

Coach Graham Salmon said: "The club is a member of the English Mini Basketball Association, a national organisation with over 300 clubs and other associated organisations. The aim is to develop and coach children in the skills of basketball and allow them to play in competitive game situations."

Mini basketball differs from normal basketball in that it uses lower height backboards and hoops, and is played with a smaller ball and mixed teams.

Salmon added: "With some of the boys and girls playing for over three years we are developing a number of potentially very good basketball players. This is partly due to the club having two experienced and qualified coaches in Ian Lawson and myself.

"Unfortunately, being the only club in the York area, we have to travel to play matches against teams from the Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, and Barnsley areas. It is very much like being in a Yorkshire League.

"To develop and strengthen the club further we are now looking for more boys and girls of this age group that are keen to learn to play basketball.

"I am also very interested in talking to any parents who might like to start a similar club in a different area of the city. They would not need any direct coaching experience, only a lot of commitment."

Poppleton Tornados meet every Thursday at Poppleton Community Centre from 6.30-8pm. Anyone interested can contact Graham Salmon on 0403 228991 or 01904 795875.

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