R Westmoreland in his letter (November 19) displays an amazing combination of Anti-Israel bias, ignorance and naivet. His comments are simply a repetition of tired old propaganda slogans used by those who favour the Arab side in the tragic Arab/Israel conflict.

"Israel has bombed and invaded its neighbours at will for the last 50 years." Note there is no mention by Mr Westmoreland of the fact that Israel was invaded by her Arab neighbours in May 1948 when independence was declared. Also no mention of the fact that a combination of Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian forces tried again to destroy Israel in June 1967. No mention of the fact that the occupied territories were actually in Arab hands from 1948-1967.

"Israeli bombing raids on Lebanon." No mention of the fact that these raids are actually on Hizbollah training camps in response to ambushes of Israeli army patrols.

He implies that both Israel and the US are as willing to use weapons of mass destruction on innocent people without provocation, i.e. in the same way as Iraq. This is pure fantasy based on his desire to portray Israel as the demon of the Middle East.

David Lyon,

Kingfisher Close,



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