Detectives today praised a courageous pensioner who tried to disarm a knifeman when he talked his way into her home and demanded money.

The 76-year-old woman was shocked but unhurt after the ordeal at her home in Acomb, York.

Detective Constable Clive Wakefield, of Acomb CID, said she answered the door of her home in Rosedale Avenue to be confronted by a man who had called earlier in the day and claimed people were throwing stones at her windows.

He asked if she had called the police about that, then managed to talk her way into her home when he produced what appeared to be a kitchen knife and demanded money.

Det Con Wakefield said she tried to take the knife from the man, but was unable to do so, and gave him the purse to get rid of him.

He described the unnamed victim as uninjured but shocked, but added: "She's very brave and she's coped with it well.

"For a 76-year-old lady she's done very well."

The intruder was described as aged 18 to 20, tall and thin with a very pale thin face, large, staring eyes, and short fair hair.

He appeared nervous and confused, said DC Wakefield, adding that he was quite dishevelled and some of the time "talked rubbish" to his victim.

He said officers believed the man was local. He asked anyone who recognised his description or had any information about the incident at 8pm on Saturday, or who had found a 9in by 3in blue plastic purse with smaller brown leather purse inside it, to contact the York Crime Desk on York 631321.

Det Con Wakefield said he was not linking this incident with any others.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.