I AM sick of Tony Blair's threats to Saddam Hussein and the waste of tax payers' money on sending planes to Iraq.

Why is it that we are promised more cuts in everything and more indirect taxation then we spend a bomb in Serbia and Iraq when it has nothing to do with us?

Why kill the innocents in Iraq, the men, women and children, who have no control over Saddam?

C R Wilson,

Windsor Drive,



...ONE column inch in the Evening Press (November 16) covered eight days of Israeli bombing raids on Lebanon.

Israel has bombed and invaded its neighbours at will for the last 50 years and is in breach of 50 UN resolutions. Israel stockpiles nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The United States of America has spent nearly eight years searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Common sense would suggest that if they can't be found in that time they do not exist or the search is being prolonged to humiliate and repress those who have already experienced the brutal violations of imperialist war.

If the US are at all interested in destroying weapons of mass destruction they could have a field day in Israel, - they don't even need to hide them there and are almost as willing to use them for conscienceless slaughter as is the US itself.

R Westmoreland,

The Oval,


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