An initiative to help foreign-owned companies in Yorkshire has been launched by the Yorkshire and Humberside Development Agency.

Leading private sector members of the YHDA have started the Regional Support Service to provide up to two hours of advice on critical business issues to existing inward investors.

The members, among YHDA's main sponsors and professional services, will offer guidance on banking, corporate finance and accountancy, human resources, legal, property, development, property management, utilities, marketing, telecommunications and transportation.

The Regional Support Service widens the help already available to overseas-owned companies through the YHDA's Investor Development Programme.

Multi-national companies have the ability to move investment funds around the world with relative ease and the YHDA has to work hard with its partners to ensure foreign-owned companies in Yorkshire are successful.

The new advice body has been formed as the YHDA is being prepared to be absorbed into the new Regional Development Agency for Yorkshire and the Humber from April 1 next year. It combines with English Partnerships, the Rural Development Commission and the Challenge Fund arm to develop the economy.

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