A collection for one of York's best-loved characters is being started by one of his biggest fans.

Les Richardson, 82, the Evening Press seller whose stand is based in St Helen's Square, York, is retiring at the beginning of December.

The Evening Press has already got together with Anderson's menswear to provide Les with a made-to-measure winter outfit.

Now one of his best customers, nurse Jonathan Bonner from Huntington Road, wants to make sure Les gets a farewell present to remember.

"I wanted to start a collection because for as long as I've been living in York, like lots of people, I've been buying my newspapers from him.

"He is very much a part of York and he will be missed."

Jonathan has asked permission from the nearby TSB to leave a collection box for members of the public who would like to donate.

Beverley Wragg, TSB customer service officer, said: "Les is like part of the furniture -it will certainly be strange without him. We were happy to keep the box here."

Jonathan hopes to get his collection box set up by the middle of next week when people will be able to pop into the bank to leave their donations.

"Ideally I would like to persuade some local businesses to put a plaque up next to where he stands to remember him by, though that might have to get planning permission," he said.

The collection box will be in the TSB from today, Tuesday, November 17.

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