I WAS disgusted with your paper's banner headlines above an article about Warwick Burton (October 13).

Warwick's past behaviour, which I do not defend, led to him being jailed in 1989 and losing his job.

Since then he has been treated by a clinical psychologist, has attended St Bede's counselling service, sought advice from others and has not attempted to conceal his past history where this might be relevant.

His talent as a lecturer is undisputed and he has done much for York tourism and the Workers Educational Association. Thank-fully, the secretary of the WEA gives what I consider to be a proper response to Janet Hewison's so-called 'dramatic revelations.'

Pillorying people with a history of paedophilia smacks of the persecution of minority groups in the 17th century. Although in some cases identification may be necessary for the safety of children, dealing with an individual like Warwick in the manner chosen by your paper is singularly unproductive.

Charles W Smith, FRSC,

Honorary Consultant,

York District Hospital,


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