Yorkshire admirers of Diana, Princess of Wales, today criticised the Archbishop of York's call for the nation to stop "wallowing" in her death.

But backing for his appeal came from controversial author and Evening Press columnist Peter Mullen as the debate grew over how to mark next month's anniversary of the princess's death.

The Archbishop of York, Dr David Hope, yesterday warned that the country was in danger of "clinging too much to the icon" of Diana as the country approached the anniversary on August 31.

England's two leading churchmen, in York for the General Synod, are playing down suggestions that they are divided over the matter, after the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, issued a message to clergy saying it was "surely right to thank God" for the princess's life.

Yesterday, the Most Rev David Hope, the second most senior bishop in the Church of England, said of August 31: "The day, instead of becoming too overawed with emotion, should be a day when we reflect more closely and carefully."

A spokeswoman for Dr Carey said the bishops were not divided in their views. And Dr Hope defended his comments, saying the way Diana was being remembered might be contrary to her wishes.

"It is raising caution ahead of the anniversary of her death," he said. "It is raising questions about what this icon figure really wanted.

"We need to begin to move on and part of that moving on is the letting go."

Coun Mick Bradley, who was Lord Mayor of York when Diana died, said: "I do not agree with David Hope. I think if people want to celebrate her life and remember her death then they should be allowed to. It is quite natural for people to be caught up in emotion. She was their princess.''

But Peter Mullen, who earlier this year made a scathing attack on Diana, calling her an "immature, unstable, self-indulgent hypocrite" said simply: "I agree absolutely with the Archbishop of York."

Renowned sculptor Dick Reid, whose team of York craftsmen were responsible for making the urn and the Diana name carving on the memorial at the Althorp Estate, said he thought the memorial museum - itself also criticised by Dr Hope - was extremely tasteful.

"The 'cult of Diana' has already started, and it will be difficult to stop," he said.

See COMMENT 'Church must take the lead'

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