TWO young golfers from the Heworth club have made it through to the regional finals of a prestigious competition.

Adam Newton, 14, and Matthew Lord, 11, will take part in the Weetabix/Golf Foundation regional finals at Howley Hall, Dewsbury, at the end of this month after winning Heworth's qualifying match.

Adam, who attends Huntington Comprehensive, will contest the Under-15 section while Hempland Primary pupil Matthew will be in the Under-13s.

And should they win, they will progress to the national finals.

Both are among the increasing number of youngsters making the most of the club's junior coaching programme which is already reaping dividends.

In Heworth's recent Junior Championship, Adam, who has a nine handicap, finished with the best gross score. The best net score in Division One went to Simon Barker with Oliver Scully taking the Division Two honours.

Adam last year won a golfing scholarship at the prestigious Eton College and the same honour has this year been awarded to another promising Heworth junior, Ken Davies.

During the week-long residential course Davies, whose handicap has come down from 36 to 26 in just three months, will receive high-level coaching which he hopes will have a major impact on his game.

The Huntington Comprehensive pupil is one of only 12 children selected from around 3,000 applicants nationwide for the initiative run by the company Mace, which is offering similar scholarships in various sports.

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