Going to the theatre will take on a whole new meaning for York people tomorrow.

As part of celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the NHS, health chiefs are allowing people a sneak look behind the scenes at York District Hospital. The main operating theatres at York District Hospital will be throwing their doors open to the public.

Sister Ann Harrison said: "This is a rare opportunity for families to pay a visit to the theatre suite, other than as a patient.

"Visitors will be able to travel along the route which takes in the anaesthetic room, operating room and then on to the recovery room.

"The operating room will be set up ready for an operation to take place.

"Operating theatre staff will be on hand to talk about the equipment and their work."

The event is free of charge and will run from 10am to 4pm.

There will also be a chance for visitors to try their hand at tombola.

Refreshments and food can be purchased in the Mallard restaurant.

See SECTION Fifty Years of the NHS


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