The Evening Press certainly gets around these days. Pictured reading the newspaper in the sunshine at Aphrodite's Rock in Cyprus is York & County Press managing director Daphne Ellis's mother, Sheila, and step-father, Ron Syson. An Evening Press mug is on its way to Cyprus where Sheila and Ron live.

So all you readers in Singapore, Qatar, Cyprus, Brazil, Bermuda, South Africa, Astrailia, Japan, Finland, America .... and Britain. Would you like a mug for a mugshot? Where do you read the Evening Press and can you prove it? We are looking for pictures of people reading our newspaper while at work or on holiday or living abroad - the more unusual the better (Photos containing our internet pages are also acceptable). If your photograph is published we will send you a specially commissioned Evening Press mug in return. Send your name, address, phone number and details of where the picture was taken to: Mug for a Mugshot, Newsdesk, Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN or e-mail your attached photograph and details to:

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.