Steadfast goalkeeper Mark Samways declared he is still stunned by his release from York City.

Samways, who was many supporters' player of the year last season, is poised to re-launch his shot-stopping career away from Bootham Crescent after undergoing an operation on his knee.

Basement clubs Darlington and newly-promoted Halifax Town are leading the chase for the 29-year-old 'keeper, whose lease of life as a Minsterman was surprisingly ended six weeks ago.

If he goes to Darlington he will team up with former City skipper Steve Tutill and striker Marco Gabbiadini, the latter moving to Feethams on a free transfer yesterday.

City cited the knee trouble that curtailed Samways' senior hold on the number one shirt last season as the reason for dropping him from the payroll.

Manager Alan Little said at the time: "After medical advice the club has decided we cannot give Samways a contract."

It was a decision that took the 'keeper by surprise and one that he feared might signal the end of his ten-season career as a professional.

But Samways maintained he was now back to full fitness, his knee withstanding the rigours of work in the gymnasium before an expected return to pre-season training with either Darlington or Halifax next week.

And as he surveyed a new start the Doncaster-born goalie could not conceal his dismay at his lone York season that turned from praise to rejection.

"It was a bit of a shock, especially when at Christmas I was told to go and see the manager about talks over a possible new contract," recalled Samways.

"But then, after everything seemed okay, I and some other players were told nothing would be decided until the end of the season.

"I just never expected I would be released because I thought I had a decent season. I was stunned and surprised."

Samways kept seven clean sheets in the 34 games he appeared for City in 1997-98. As if to underscore his doughty consistency he was man of the match no less than nine times to finish the runaway winner of the Evening Press-Tap and Spile player-of-the-year ratings.

An initial ever-present run of 24 matches from the first day of term was halted in November after a jarring collision with Blackpool striker Andy Preece forced an operation on his knee and an absence of almost three months.

He returned for another ten more games before being dropped after the win by Fulham at Bootham Crescent in March. He then injured the same knee in a reserves' outing.

After this summer's operation he believed he was close to tip-top condition. Said Samways: "The knee's been sorted out after this operation. I can run, I can do what I want. The knee feels as good as it's ever done."

A replacement for Samways has yet to be secured leaving City with just one recognised senior 'keeper in 21-year-old Andy Warrington.

However, City boss Little has earmarked next week's return to pre-season training as the premium time to judge several candidates for a rival to Warrington.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.