Pleasure boats on the River Ouse in York are making waves with residents who claim they are causing pollution, noise and crowds outside their homes. River front householders are asking councillors to sink an application which they claim will increase the amount of traffic using the river and mooring only metres from their front doors.

Tour operators White Rose Line want to replace a landing stage for their boats on South Esplanade.

The existing landing was bought from another operator last year and hasn't yet been used by White Rose Line, although a neighbouring one is in operation.

But neighbours living in South Esplanade, Tower Place and Friargate claim their comfort is already being ruined by the boats, and have pleaded for a rejection of the application which they fear will increase their problems.

South Esplanade resident Chris Cook said: "When we moved here two-and-a-half years ago of course we realised there were boats on the river and we have nothing against that. It's quite nice to see them going up and down outside our window.

"But the size and number of them has increased dramatically. It used to be very small, very pretty boats that were moored on South Esplanade, but now they are huge and there is always at least one outside running its engines and hooting its horns when it leaves."

The objections received by the planning and transport committee have come from five residents.

They include concerns about noise and pollution from diesel engines that are constantly running, even when the boat is stationery, and crowds congesting the area outside their homes.

Popular evening trips mean boats mooring as late as 11.30pm, according to Mr Cook, with disembarking passengers often being rowdy.

"People drink and have parties on the evening boats, which is understandable because it is a very nice setting," he said.

"But they get off the boats and don't realise that there are people trying to sleep only metres away. There are only a handful of houses along here and we don't understand why the mooring points have to be right outside them.

"The council should be keeping an eye on it and trying to ensure they do not cause disturbance to the residents."

The residents have already met with tour operators and expressed their concerns, but they say the problems remain despite promises of action.

Spokesman for White Rose Line, Shaun Irving, said: "The application is to replace a landing stage that was already there and has been used by a different operator for four or five years now, although we haven't used it since we bought it.

"There are six boats that we operate at the moment and this landing could reduce pressure on the existing landing. It could also move the boats away from the houses because it is on the Skeldergate Bridge side of the one already in use.

"We are totally aware of the residents problems and we are trying to do everything we can to reduce them."

The planning and transport committee is discussing the application tomorrow at 5pm in the Guildhall. Council officers have recommended that the application be approved, subject to conditions to minimise late night disturbance to residents.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.