A woman directory inquiries operator suffered a severe eye injury when a chemical was sprayed in her face outside the British Telecom exchange in York.

BT said it was too early to tell if the woman had long-term eye damage after the attack, which has triggered both police and BT investigations and led to calls for improved security.

The woman was leaving the exchange in Stonebow with a colleague when they were attacked by three people alleged to be attempting to burgle the building.

When they confronted two men and a woman, one launched an assault, spraying the women with an unidentified noxious chemical.

Both victims, who are in their early 50s, were taken to York District Hospital, the second suffering from serious shock.

A BT spokeswoman said today: "The lady had a nasty eye injury and doctors at York District Hospital are monitoring her at the moment.

"It is still too early to say if she will suffer long-term damage.

"The other lady is very, very shaken and is now off on sick leave."

She said a full internal investigation had been launched into the incident.

"It has been reported to the police, who will also be investigating," she said.

Beverley Smith, from the Communication Workers' Union, said the attack had sparked grave concerns about the safety of staff working at BT's Stonebow premises.

She said: "The union is pressing BT for a full review of arrangements for security at the exchange."

Inspector Geoff Dodds, of York Police, confirmed officers were investigating an alleged burglary on Friday night in which an operator from the exchange was sprayed with a noxious fluid.

He said: "The operator in question, who has provided a full statement to the police, continues to receive treatment for her injuries at York District Hospital.

"The allegations are currently being investigated by detectives from York and the incident is being treated as very serious."

"We are very concerned about the operator having been attacked and are taking active steps to try and identify the persons responsible for this offence. We are also very concerned for the lady who has been injured in a very worrying attack.

"Anyone who can offer us any assistance in apprehending these people should call us immediately. Their call will be treated in the strictest of confidence."

York police can be contacted on 01904 631321.

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