SELBY motorists travelling to work in York have reacted with fury and disbelief to delays in work on the Naburn Lane route to York.

Contractors admitted this week work on the B1222 could be delayed for up to a week after contractors laying a storm water drain at Fulford found sand underground - which caused part of the road to collapse.

One commuter who lives in Brayton and regularly uses the back road "escape route" to avoid congestion on the A19, said it would mean another week of misery.

He stormed: "I am having to leave home at 7am to get into work for 8.45 am - it's become a sick joke. "We are now starting to queue before Escrick, it's a nightmare."

Villagers who have already been cut off from their neighbours also reacted with fury today.

Occupants of the 14 houses are using traffic diversions or walking to Naburn or Fulford to catch a bus.

Debbie Holmes who is staying at her mother's house in Naburn Lane said: "As well as the five mile diversion being a hassle after a day at work it is dangerous.

"I think it's terrible that they have not made a through road for emergency services. For a person who is very sick five miles extra could mean the difference between life and death." She added that the noise made by the diggers was unbearable: "It has been going on all the time, it stops for 10 minutes then starts again.

"When my mum told me that it made the house shake I did not quite believe her, but it's true. I felt the whole house shudder this morning."

A spokesman for Caddick Construction, which is carrying out the work, could not be contacted today. But earlier he said: "We would like to apologise to all concerned."

Once completed, the drainage system will carry rainwater from a new shopping centre at the former Naburn hospital site to the River Ouse.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.