Sandwich seller Larraine Lions has secured a slice of the World Cup action by winning tickets to watch England's vital match against Colombia in France tonight.

Larraine and her boyfriend, Ian Randles, were today heading for Lens, Northern France, after scoring success in a national competition.

Larraine, who works in Jenny's Kitchen, Walmgate, York, said it was a double celebration as Ian's 43rd birthday is on Sunday. "He kept saying all he wanted for his birthday were tickets for the match, but I couldn't get any," said Larraine. "I'm absolutely over the moon."

Ian, who works at Nestl, said he couldn't believe his luck.

He was in a York pub with Larraine weeks ago when he saw a competition for tickets on the TV.

He wrote down the number to phone on a beer mat and telephoned when he got home.

Then he forgot all about it - until a letter popped through the door this week saying he was a winner. "I couldn't believe it," said Ian.

"I just sat there for about ten minutes and read the letter about half-a-dozen times."

The couple were taking Le Shuttle to Calais, then on to Lens, for a champagne reception and dinner before the match.

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