A MAN found with a shotgun and ammunition under his bed was jailed for four years at Sheffield Crown Court when he appeared for sentence.

Yusuf Abbass, 27, of North Lodge Avenue, Harrogate, was convicted by a jury at York Crown Court in December last year, of possessing heroin with intent to supply. He pleaded guilty at the same hearing to possessing cannabis and a shotgun.

At Abbas' trial for possessing heroin with intent to supply, prosecutor Simon Jack said police found heroin worth at least £300 when they raided his home in Harrogate on July 4.

Under his bed was a shotgun with ammunition and in his bedroom was £205 in bank notes.

Questioned by detectives, Abbas claimed he had a £100-a-day heroin habit. He had only come to Harrogate four weeks before the police raid, carrying £200 on him and had since won £20 on a scratch card.

A drugs dealer had given him the heroin and he had used some of it for himself.

Because he was scared of the dealer, he had the shotgun for protection.

Abbas now lives in Oldham, Lancs.

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