CHARLES Egerton and Josh Gifford, the trainers of the two horses involved in the doping scandal, have hit out following the decision of the Jockey Club Licensing Committee to suspend the licences of bailed jockeys Jamie Osborne, Leighton Aspell and Dean Gallagher.

Egerton, the trainer of Avanti Express, ridden by Osborne when pulled up two out in the HMS Exeter Novices' Hurdle at Exeter on March 7 said: "I totally believe in Jamie Osborne's innocence.

"I think any ban is scandalous, I've no doubt he will be exonerated. It's scandalous, they can't suspend people until they are found guilty. They are taking away their livelihood."

Gifford was equally uncompromising in his reaction to the decision to suspend Aspell, who is the retained conditional jockey for his stable and who rode Lively Knight who tested positive for the tranquilliser ACP after his run on March 29.

"Are they guilty or are they not?"asked the Findon trainer. "It's a diabolical decision and I think the idiots who made this decision are turning racing into a laughing stock.

"From what Leighton has said to me there is no possible way that my boy could have done anything wrong. I believe in 'innocent until proven guilty'.

"They were arrested like criminals and now they are taking their livelihoods away as well. The Jockey Club handle most things reasonably but they have not handled this very well. My boy is innocent and I think the suspension is ridiculous."

The jockeys were barred from riding at least until February 6 and had their licenses temporarily suspended by the Jockey Club's Licensing Committee.

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