A LEARNING employee is a flexible employee. That is the principle that underpins the Harrogate College of Further Education's Key Club scheme, now starting its second year.

Covance, the development services company, is one of more than 300 Harrogate firms which have taken advantage of the scheme. A fixed registration fee, paid by the employer, allows all the employees to take up a course of their choice, from bricklaying to carpentry, pottery to gardening.

Now the Covance employees are building on last year's courses by taking more advanced versions this year.

The courses usually last between six and 12 weeks and are often at times to fit in with working hours. Sharyn Milburn, the Covance training co-ordinator, said: "It's a great idea and very popular with staff. Some are brushing up on their computing and IT skills, which directly benefit them at work, while others have elected for something very different, like interior design, calligraphy or art."

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