NO one knows, at least for the time being, who has won the chairpersons' gong war in the Smith household.

For some months now, Melanie Smith, 39, of Church Street, Copmanthorpe, has been flaunting her gong at her husband, David - her chain of office as the first chairwoman of the Yorkshire Building Surveyors branch of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

But now David, 43, has fought back with his own gong just awarded to him as newly-elected chairman of the Yorkshire and north eastern section of the Institute of Brewing.

David, a freelance consultant brewer, reckons that in their playful battle of the insignia his wins hands down. "It represents a greater area and the gong itself is much bigger than hers."

But for the next couple of months at least he will not be able to prove the point because Melanie said her gong had been sent to insurers in Leeds for valuation. Melanie, who, like her husband works from home, said: "My gong is nicer because its plain blue ribbon is smarter than his red and blue striped one, but that's not the issue. Mine is unique because it belongs to the first woman chairman of the Yorkshire branch."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.