PHILIP Roe has got it all backward when he writes about the new rules on vitamin supplements (Letters, July 20).

Mr Roe seems to think that the new rules were handed down from "our lords and masters in Brussels" - but nothing could be further from the truth!

All European-level decisions are taken by our own national governments and elected MEPs, not by some distant monster called "Brussels".

In fact, in this case, it was our very own UK Government that pressed for the directive - successfully! So, far from showing "blind adherence" of our "lemming-like" government, these new rules show just how much Britain can achieve when we work together with our European neighbours.

As for the directive itself, Mr Roe might like to consider three simple facts.

One: more than 99 per cent of vitamin products are unaffected by the new rules.

Two: the directive is based on conclusive medical advice already accepted by all 25 EU countries.

Three: the measures are strongly supported by the British Dietetic Association.

Surely we should welcome health measures that save lives - not use them as an excuse to invent anti-European arguments?

Richard Corbett,

Labour MEP for Yorkshire & the Humber,

Blenheim Terrace, Leeds.

Updated: 10:34 Monday, July 25, 2005