A BUSY York nightclub which wants to open until 4am faces a series of objections when its application for extended hours is heard next week.

Toffs nightclub, in Toft Green, wants permission to serve drinks until 3.30am, possibly seven days a week, and to extend its hours for international sporting events and on "notable days".

Residents, including the Archdeacon of York, the Venerable Richard Seed, have written to City of York Council to express concern about noise nuisance, and the possibility of the club opening on Christmas Day.

But a club spokeswoman said a plan had been produced to "embrace" their concerns.

Mr Seed wrote: "Whilst Toffs does not appear to impinge too much on the Micklegate area, we do have an abundance of clubs and pubs in the area, which sometimes does have a detrimental effect on Micklegate."

He continued: "Whilst also recognising we live in a secular age, I do not see the reason why Christmas Day should not remain a restricted day for such trading."

Letters from other residents raised the possibility of noise nuisance. One called for environmental health to study noise levels before the application was agreed, and for a greater police presence in the area.

Another said: "There is already considerable noise and antisocial behaviour due to customers leaving this club late at night and this can only increase with longer hours and the accompanying increase in alcohol consumption. There is also a high likelihood of even more litter, vomit and urine being deposited in Barker Lane and Toft Green. I would hope that this application will be rejected."

A spokeswoman for Luminar Leisure, which runs Toffs, said: "Management of Toffs have listened very carefully to representations of the neighbours and produced an enhanced and thorough operational plan and dispersal policy embracing all possible concerns.

"These include actively discouraging customers from using an alleyway cut-through, having marshals on the streets at the terminal hour in high visibility jackets, amongst a range of others. The venue has applied to offer entertainment and the sale of alcohol until a later hour and, on special occasions and predetermined dates, to extend the venue's hours.

"The venue has no plans to be opening for operation on Christmas Day."

The Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee will discuss the application on Monday at 10am at the Guildhall.

Meanwhile, The Gallery, in Clifford Street, is the latest club to apply for extended opening hours. Its application includes a request for permission to open until 3.30am seven days a week and longer on the screening of international sporting events and "certain notable days".

Updated: 10:46 Tuesday, August 09, 2005