I READ with interest your article about the Arc Light exhibition day. There is much protest about the issue, but the council taking ensuring adequate street lighting and full surveillance could, possibly, help ease people's minds.

If they were to do this around the footbridge which crosses the railway by the hospital, it may also stop a lot of the heroin dealing that goes on in those alleys too, giving people a little more peace of mind and faith that problems can be sorted out.

I was a surprised, because the project would affect my area, that I received none of the leaflets mentioned. Instead there were hordes of teenagers on the street and the mysterious combustion of a garage in the alley behind my house. The council could look into tackling problem such as this before bringing larger issues to the area. Ironic really, because the other proposed use for the Shipton Street School site was a youth centre.

Nigel Rogers,

Field View, York.

Updated: 10:55 Wednesday, August 17, 2005