I AM opposed to the proposal to situate Arc Light at Shipton Street School. I believe the quality of life and the value of property in this immediate vicinity will be adversely affected and will deteriorate even further than it has done over the last few years, not to mention the effects on our health.

When I moved here, the area was relatively quiet and residential. Since that time I have spent time, energy and money improving my property and protecting myself against vandals, drug dealers and other anti-social groups and individuals.

The police already have enough on their plates policing the Bootham, Clifton and Burton Stone Lane area at present, without adding to the pressure by inviting more miscreants to our neighbourhood to carry on their nefarious activities on our doorsteps.

Earlier this spring, the police promised a higher profile and more visibility, but to no avail; the louts still rule. Only one month ago, teenagers ran the gauntlet across the tops and bonnets of parked cars down the street at 7pm in the evening. Where were the police? Not here: probably visiting Arc Light in Leeman Road, or the gipsies on Water Lane.

People like me and my law-abiding neighbours deserve a little more respect and consideration from our servants in Parliament, local government, and the institutions (social services etc) that exist to serve us.

Where is my drop-in centre? Who is my support person/social worker? Where can I go to get respite care from these louts and layabouts who are ruining my quality of life in York?

Please send the information to the address below.

Christine Wilde,

Scarborough Terrace,


Updated: 10:55 Tuesday, August 30, 2005