COULD somebody please tell me how Safer York Partnership benefits the community?

Funded with taxpayers' money, this seems to me to be an extravagant organisation where, not only the department itself but also the incumbents, are there purely for decoration and, no doubt, at considerable expense.

Making intelligent comments to the press, attending various meetings, writing reports and producing a maze of figures is all very well, but at the end of the day they do nothing whatsoever to contribute to stemming the continuous rise in lawlessness in York.

And they can only be interfering in functions which, if considered necessary, can be adequately undertaken by a very caring and effective police force which we are fortunate to have.

One liaison officer within the force could adequately fulfil the duties considered necessary and without having to be held to account by our illustrious city council.

J H Roy,

Hadrian Avenue,


Updated: 10:52 Wednesday, August 31, 2005