ON behalf of the trustees of Selby and District Dial, I would like to thank everybody who offered help and support during our recent funding crisis. Knowing that so many people were behind Dial was a great comfort to us.

I would like to thank our clients who stayed with Dial, our staff and volunteers who did much extra work to secure funds, our colleagues in the voluntary sector for their advice and support and the local media for their sympathetic coverage of the situation.

Thanks to all the above, and to our funders, Dial will now be able to carry on trying to fulfil our aim of enabling the disabled people of the district to lead a more independent and dignified life.

Dial always needs new volunteers. Should anybody share our aims, and have one day a week to spare, they should contact us on 01757 210495 or pop in to our office for a chat and a cup of coffee.

Terry Smith,


Selby and District Dial,

Park Street, Selby.

Updated: 11:31 Monday, September 05, 2005