FORMER York City manager Alan Little and six members of his team that beat Manchester United at Old Trafford will be present at Thursday's dinner marking the ten-year anniversary of that famous win.

Paul Barnes, Andy McMillan, Nigel Pepper, Tony Barrass, Paul Atkin and Nicky Peverell have all agreed to attend the celebration in York Racecourse's Voltigeur Suite, and the club are still waiting to hear whether Premiership goalkeeper Dean Kiely will be given permission to join his former team-mates by current club Charlton Athletic.

Limited places are still available for the dinner, which starts at 7.30pm and will boast former City and Manchester United manager Wilf McGuinness as the guest speaker.

ITV commentator Guy Mowbray will also be interviewing players about their memories of the two-legged League Cup tie.

Anybody wanting to book a ticket, costing £35, should call Elliot Stroud on 0870 777 1922.

Updated: 09:03 Saturday, September 24, 2005