A PAEDOPHILE monk who abused ten boys at one of Britain's top public schools has been locked up for four years.

Pervert Gregory Carroll molested children as young as eight during an 11-year period at the remote Ampleforth College on the edge of the North York Moors.

Teacher Carroll, 66, confided in the then Abbott of the monastery - but his catalogue of abuse was only revealed when a psychologist brought in to help him blew the whistle on his crimes.

Carroll, who described his own offences as "grotesque", was also banned from working with children for life after a judge said he had "embarked on a systematic corruption of children".

The defendant admitted 15 counts of indecent assault and two offences of indecency with children under 14 between 1973 and 1987.

Judge Paul Hoffman told Carroll: "You suppressed your conscience, the teachings of the church and your obligations as a teacher of children for your self-gratification".

York Crown Court heard Carroll, a monk with the Benedictine Order who was ordained as a priest in 1969, targeted three known boys and a further seven victims, who have never been traced.

Nicola Gatto, defending, said Carroll had been emotionally nave and was 34 when he had his first sexual experience by assaulting a pupil in 1973.

The new Abbott of Ampleforth, Fr Cuthbert Madden, said: "Our first concerns are for the victims of (Carroll's) abuse of trust, who were boys in our care. We publicly offer them our unreserved apology and deep regret.

Updated: 10:27 Saturday, September 24, 2005