A HOOLIGAN from York who butted an opposition fan after an FA Cup match has been put behind bars for three months and banned from all football matches for six years.

Matthew Rawcliffe attacked the 15-year-old outside Burton Albion's Eton Park ground, shortly after the home team had beaten York City 3-0 on January 15.

Rawcliffe, 19, of Rowntree Avenue, York, admitted common assault at a previous hearing at Burton Magistrates' Court, but denied a head- butt took place.

A special hearing, in which a defendant admits guilt but contests the prosecution's version of events, was held on August 25, and Rawcliffe was found to have butted the youth.

In the sentencing hearing, magistrates in Burton-on-Trent were told that Rawcliffe had previous convictions for assaulting a police officer, disorderly behaviour and being drunk and disorderly.

Emma Thompson, prosecuting, said: "The injured party said that he left the football ground just after a quarter to five. He says he was approached by a group of six other males.

"The defendant said: 'It was you, wasn't it?' and the group surrounded the injured party. The injured party tried to walk off and the defendant said: 'Come on if you want to have a go now'."

Rawcliffe then butted the youth, causing swelling on his left cheek. He was arrested soon afterwards.

Sonia Lawrence, mitigating, said: "This is not a very pleasant incident, obviously. Fortunately there was no serious injury caused.

"I don't think there is anything I can say. He's had problems with committing offences while in drink.

"He has had a 12-month community rehabilitation order. Clearly, useful work could be done with this young man under that order. He could address his thinking and his behaviour."

Rawcliffe was put in youth custody for 14 weeks, with his sentence reduced by seven weeks after his early guilty plea. He was also given a six-year football banning order.

Sergeant Gary Lote, football liaison officer for the Trent Valley Division, said: "This sentence sends out a message that if you go to a football match and cause a problem the courts will deal with it severely.

"From a police point of view, it sends out a positive message."

Rawcliffe's banning order has come after the law was changed last year and the orders were extended to hooligans operating at non-league games.

He will no longer be able to attend any Football League or Nationwide Conference football match in England and any league game in Wales.

He is also banned from attending any England international fixture, home or away, and has to hand in his passport whenever England travel abroad.

Updated: 10:40 Saturday, September 24, 2005