CONGRATULATIONS must go to Absolute Leisure and City of York Council, a cosy relationship that flies in the face of national Liberal Democrat/police/medical concerns, not to mention common sense, about binge drinking.

Do we want a big brother state? No we don't. Flatten the Barbican sports halls and gyms. Who needs them? We need the nightclub.

Three and a half thousand potential drunken clubbers spilling out at 2.30am will be fine. Police response times will be quicker (the station is just down the road).

We may even get coach parties from Leeds descending on our historic city, heading straight for the nightclub. York citizens should feel proud of what our council has achieved. And no, I don't agree that residents should have been properly consulted. Once elected, it is the councillors' right to do as they please, as long as these decisions don't affect their quality of life! Roll on the elections.

Max Dodd,

Barbican Road, York.

Updated: 10:58 Saturday, September 24, 2005