LIKE many other residents, I am concerned at the council's plans to introduce fortnightly rather than weekly refuse collections without increasing collections of recyclable rubbish.

The present collections of cans, glass and paper are inadequate. Why cans and not other aluminium/metal products such as foil containers? Why paper and not card?

I am sure we would all be perfectly happy to separate our rubbish and recycle as much as possible if it didn't mean driving to the tip once a week.

Surely a weekly/fortnightly collection of plastics, etc, by a small number of council lorries would have far less impact on the environment than thousands of individual car journeys to the tip.

The proposals, imposed arbitrarily and without consultation or discussion with the affected households, are extremely unpopular and if no compromise is reached, this council will have much to worry about at the next local elections.

Deborah Digby,

Tancred House,

Hessay, York.

Updated: 11:00 Saturday, September 24, 2005