A SCHOOLBOY was stabbed in the head during a vicious gang attack in York.

The 14-year-old, a pupil at Millthorpe School, was stabbed in the back of the head when he was assaulted by a group of teenagers outside the Cygnet Pub in Dove Street during the lunch break on Thursday.

York police described the incident as a "vicious assault" which left the boy needing stitches to the back of his head, a cut to his cheek and grazing to his right ribs and left shoulder.

It is not yet known how many youngsters were involved in the attack and whether the attackers were pupils at Millthorpe.

A resident of the area who witnessed the attack said: "I had heard an argument about ten minutes beforehand. I saw the attacker hit the lad in the head or the face two or three times and then after about ten seconds he walked off. The lad looked scared, really scared.

"I'm surprised because there were a few people about and, as far as I saw, not one person went to help that lad even though he looked terrified."

"They were all standing there saying 'it's none of my business'.

"Then the lad was holding his head with both hands. He was screaming."

He said the attacker was about 5ft 9in and was not a school pupil.

"I would say that he was homeless or a drug user from his appearance," he said. "I had seen him talking to some school kids prior to that. He was young, but older than the other lads."

The boy's mother reported the incident to the police, who have been liaising with the school's head teacher, Tony Wooton, and the local education authority.

Sgt Neil Hallewell, of York Police, said: "This appears to have been a vicious assault on a boy during the school day and we are treating the matter very seriously.

"It is one thing for skirmishes to take place between youngsters, but this kind of violence is completely unacceptable and won't be tolerated.

"Although the incident was witnessed by other pupils from the school, we would like any members of the public or any other witnesses to contact us. Witnesses can contact York Police on 0845 6060247."

Mr Wooton said: "One of our Year Ten pupils was assaulted on Thursday lunchtime and received medical treatment following the incident.

"We are investigating the matter at school and will work with parents and the police to bring the matter to a conclusion."

Mr Wooton said it was the first incident of its kind to happen close to the school and they would be keeping under review the policy to let pupils in Year Ten and Year Eleven off site at lunchtimes. The incident will be discussed at a governors' meeting at the school on Monday night.

Updated: 11:45 Saturday, September 24, 2005