THE dental place lottery could be over for York and Selby residents, thanks to a new scheme to be launched by health chiefs this week.

Selby and York Primary Care Trust (PCT) is preparing to launch the scheme, which will cut waiting list times throughout the area and bring and end to people repeatedly phoning round different dentists in search of a vacancy.

As of next month, the PCT will operate a central waiting list of everyone in the area. People will sign up to the list once and will be notified whenever a place becomes available with a dentist anywhere in the area.

The list will operate on a first-come first-served basis, with the person at the top of the list being offered the vacancy.

The new system will mean people will have to be prepared to travel to see a dentist.

The PCT was reluctant to reveal details of the scheme until it was officially launched. But Selby MP John Grogan, who revealed the plan to Selby District Council's overview and scrutiny committee, said: "The new central database will mean that it's no longer a hit-and-miss affair whether you get a NHS dentist.

"It will be run on a first- come, first-served basis and it will mean that no longer do people have to ring round every dentist in the area trying to get on a list. The work will be done for them, and a place offered when it becomes available. It is good news."

Mike James, press officer for the PCT, said: "There will be an official launch this week. It's not ready for us to give out any information about it at the moment."

But he added: "Everything John Grogan says is correct, about why we are doing it."

Mr James said the PCT would be unable to deal with inquiries from the public regarding the scheme, until it was officially launched, and urged the public to be patient.

At present, anyone looking for a dentist must repeatedly phone round all dentists in the area in the hope there is a vacancy when they call.

It is believed as many as 20,000 people in the Selby and York area may need dental treatment. But an Evening Press investigation last month revealed every practice in York had closed its doors to new patients, and the situation in Selby was little better.

Kevin O'Neill, of Cheetham & O'Neill Dental Surgeons in Gowthorpe, Selby, told the Evening Press his surgery already had 1,500 more patients than its planned 11,000, and said it would be unfair to existing patients if he took any more.

He said: "Hopefully this list will mean people who currently are struggling to find a dentist will at least be offered one."

Updated: 09:46 Monday, September 26, 2005