Pocklington's enigmatic winning form continued with a 19-10 win at home to Yarnbury.

The Pocklington backs played at a pace and technical level way above their opposite numbers, but frequently their approach play failed to produce an opening or a finish, and the side were dragged into a dogfight by the visitors before sealing victory.

It started efficiently enough for Pocklington as they went straight on to the attack and fly half Henry Mitchell opened the scoring with a penalty.

Pocklington spent the whole of the first quarter in Yarnbury territory, but twice dropped the ball with the line begging, in addition to missing another penalty chance. And when Yarnbury made their first visit to Pocklington's half in the 21st minute they kicked a penalty to level the scores at 3-3.

Pocklington continued to look dangerous then drop the last pass until centres Guy Hope and Sandy Mitchell combined down the right for the latter to touchdown.

Henry Mitchell kicked a further penalty, then judged his crosskick perfectly for No 8 Dan Wilson to collect and score.

But Pocklington then let Yarnbury back into it inside the last ten minutes. Losing players to injury and the sin-bin, the disorganised hosts enabled Yarnbury to rumble over for a close-range converted try.

But Pocklington regained their composure, man of the match Mitchell making the game safe with his third penalty three minutes from time.

Updated: 11:06 Monday, September 26, 2005