WHILE I agree with Adrian Wilson's letter ('Poor reflection on York's public servants', September 19) I do not believe we should be at all surprised that elected politicians do not take any notice of the people who have elected them.

Democracy and free speech have, during the past 25 years been on the decline in this country.

Whereas democracy is supposed to be the election of representatives of the people, we have a system where you vote for someone who, once in power, does as they see fit and follows their own agenda, usually with the advice of non-elected "think tanks".

The so-called party manifesto is not worth the paper it is written on. Politicians and the media are today interested in devious social engineering and the acquisition of power and wealth.

So carry on watching Match Of The Day live and Footballers' Wives, and go and get your new sofa from DFS; let our superiors and political masters get on running the country.

After all, they do know best!

J Hudson,


Rawcliffe Lane, York.

Updated: 10:07 Monday, September 26, 2005