The letter from Joan Lewis of Copmanthorpe (September 23) asks why York's crematorium charges are so high.

The City of York Council does make relatively high charges for services such as cremations and a variety of other services, including parking.

This is part of a strategy to keep council tax low, because the profits from crematoria and other charges are all used to ensure the council raises a lower level of council tax.

I appreciate that to most people council tax in York may seem high, but it is, in fact, on average between £100 and £150 per household per year less than the average in other councils in England. It is by far the lowest in North Yorkshire.

The profits from crematorium charges are, of course, only one element of a range of measures and efficiencies the council uses to try to maintain a low council tax for York citizens. It should also be noted that the council has spent considerable amounts making significant improvements to the crematorium recently, including new access for visitors and a variety of other improvements within the building.

Simon Wiles,

Director of Resources,

City of York Council,

Library Square, York.

Updated: 10:07 Monday, September 26, 2005